DeepChem Minutes 5/26/2022

DeepChem Minutes

India/Asia/Pacific Call

Date: May 26th, 2022

Attendees: Bharath, Ashish, Zaky


Bharath has worked on coordinating students working on tutorials. Bharath has also been working on finding a time for GSoC office hours

Ashish has been working on the cell counting tutorial. He has put it into a notebook and is now planning on adding more documentation.

Zaky has been preparing for his PhD transfer exam so has been busy.

Stanley had a great talk at the Ray meetup, and there was a lot of interest in DeepChem/Bio among their contributors. Also started working with a protein-GPT/Alphafold system w/ Paulina to use in next transfer conversation with David :pray:

Americas/Europe/Africa/Middle East

Date: May 27th, 2022

Attendees: Bharath, Peter, Arun, Stanley, Tony, Jose, Shai, Aryan, Peter


Bharath gave the same update as at the last call.

Aryan has been travelling and has not been able to contribute much this week. He has created a new forum topic for his GSoC project for personal and project topic introduction.

Tony met with Shai and developed a tentative timeline and plan for his project to implement ferminet. Peter Eastman was invited to comentor Shai and join our weekly mentor meetings.

Peter hasn’t done much this week. He is looking forward to working with Shai.

Jose has been working on the Affine transformation of his NormalizingFlow porting project, and will open a PR of this. Also, he will start conversations with Bharath and Aryan regarding GSoC.

Shai has been adding descriptions into DeepQMC tutorial and ran the tutorial on ethane(the smallest available molecule in qm9 dataset). But still got maxed out on the computations, and got suggestions to run on H2. Also, he asked some general questions on jax vs pytorch in femrinet implementation to his mentors.

Arun worked on debugging PR #2846 which adds support to Python 3.10. He mentioned that he would like to work on a tutorial for equivariance.

Anshuman was busy earlier this week. In the later half he made his PR #2911 corresponding to his ConvODE proposal. He is currently working to improve the PR.

DeepChem Bioinformatics Call

Date: May 30th, 2022

Attendees: Tony, Stanley, Arun, Ashish


Tony has been working with Shai on Ferminet.

Stanley was working with bert style protein transformer system, GPT style attention to protein sequences and was discussing with Paulina on dataloaders.

Arun was mostly reading about genomes and genome datasets.

Ashish was working on a tutorial.

Joining the DeepChem Developer Calls

As a quick reminder to anyone reading along, the DeepChem developer calls are open to the public! If you’re interested in attending either or both of the calls, please send an email to, where X=bharath, Y=ramsundar.